The course provides basic chemistry training, indispensable in the professional and cultural baggage of the modern engineer. The discipline, dealing with material and its transformations, provides the tools needed to understand the structure and properties of materials and to correctly set up and solve many professional problems (dirt, corrosion and product protection, evaluation Environmental impact, etc.). For this reason, topics such as: atomic structure and chemical bonding are deepened; System state diagrams for one and more components; Thermodynamics, kinetics and chemical equilibrium; electrochemistry; Major chemical processes of industrial interest.


Premesse Tipi di reazioni chimicheReazioni di ossido-riduzioneReazioni di formazioneNumero di ossidazione nei composti binari di tipo salinoRegole generali per la determinazione del numero di ossidazione COMPOSTI BINARIIntroduzioneIdruri, Alogenuri, Ossidi COMPOSTI TERNARIIdrossidi, Ossoacidi, Perossoacidi SALI